31 Oktober, 2011

Missing you

Ooh my friends...

I miss the heck out of you guys.
This world is too much for me to handle..wish you were here to talk to me, to give me wisdom when time in need. The things that happen is just test from Allah.
That I can barely carry.. I need a friends hand to help me lift it for all my heart.. the truth is I miss you guys!
I actually can carry it.. just i miss the way how you talk , how you use to treat me with comfort..
And your lovable smile..
I felt sad when I saw your picture in your new house...On your blog,theres too much things you said about your fresh new live. Where theres no me..
Besides that, i notice one thing about you that suddenly change me...
That smile...
I can see it again..
If then..i wish the happiest journey for you .

Good Bye my Friend .

17 Oktober, 2011

Funeral Of A Beloved Uncle.

Today my beloved uncle just pass away..

It was a shocking news for me and also for the rest of the family.
The day before he die. He was sent into the ICU.
All of the family members come to visit him.
When I was about to get up on 6.20 a.m.
I got a call from my mum saying he is gone..The first word just felt like "ARE YOU KIDDING?"
So I got up to prepare myself and my little sister.

It was so sad for my cousin who is the olderst age 14 years old.
She has 5 siblings..The youngerst is about 2 or 3 years old..
For all the muslims out there..
I pity the mother who has to serve her 5 children who already lost they father..At such young age..
Please donate for him Al-Fatihah ...amin

16 Oktober, 2011

Against Cruelty Towards Animal !

Today on 16 Oct. 2011 .

I have heard a lot of cases about cruelty towards animal especially cats..
It made me sad went I heard the killers were human who just can't accept whatever they are doing. Letting the anger out towards kids are bad(Have been A big issue about it)
So, what I thought...Putting the anger on cats are easier for them.It won't fight you back, you can kill it without feeling like you killing fact it feels like reaping of you dolls hand.
This are the minds of a Loonatic ..I hope non of this lost human are here..but i was wrong when I heard here,in my own country,was a case too..I found out in Mastika. Damn those fools ! They shouldn't be alive right now..Couse I know people will beat them up ..If they know whos the culprit .

15 Oktober, 2011

Biology Has leak Out!

Today while I was wall to wall on my facebook..I accidently saw a leak question on my classmate's wall !! OMG!

The one who post that post was my friend . How dare she did not even tell me that juicy information??
Tomorrow morning I am so gonna charge in front of her and shes better have a good excuse ..BETTER!

14 Oktober, 2011


I have found this on my facebook and wish to share it with all of you..

ATTENTION!! this is not a verse of the Quran ...

IMPORTANT ... please spread the word. May Allah will reward your good offices.
One thing for sure ............ this is not a verse of the Quran

May we all be careful not to UNINTENTIONALLY and hung in our homes. Spread the word and tell all our brothers.

Please read. Don't fooled by those who disbelieve.

Note that saw the end write "Surah Injilu Matay" (Direct rejects).

Please read and distributed to anyone who has no blog via e-mail. If you have a blog, copy and paste to your blog. That is the agenda of the Christian, then be careful.

Do not be deceived in her appearance but also look and content out what. Look at the whole. Of course it looks good if made ​​to adorn the walls of the house.

At first glance like the verse and the word Al-Quran. Actually, the verse from the Bible.

Human who LOVEs ISLAM,
