05 Julai, 2010

Black & Red Ant

I still remember like it was just yesterday. Me and my cousins(we're tight) were playing on the grass...erm...playing...something for sure...
suddently my eyes caught a line of black ants and red ants...Don't know why (we're dumb ass that time) playing with the ants. By putting the black one in the red ant's line. They totaly lost their way JUST becouse of that. So, and then one of cousin realize that d*%& and N@*$ was the red ant and H#$%,D*#%@ and me are the black ant (good side)
We're not that close to the red ant team but since we're related,(get nooo choice..DAMN!)
So,today me and my older cousin realize that our team mate has gone to the other side (RED TEAM!) I don't know whats my wrong... is it because she just jump in form 1
this year and thinks shes all that?!
Just a one boy likes her ,she already thinks shes the Queen... Just by writing this stupid esei breaks my heart...